Health Care

Refresh Celluvisc 30X0.4ml
Due to its thicker formula, CELLUVISC is an ideal eye drop for persistent dry eye conditions. CELLUVISC Lubricant Eye Drops restores the moisture of your eyes crave with a gentle protecting and lubricating formula that has some of the same healthy qualities as natural tears. So, you can enjoy prolonged relief from the irritating scratchy feeling of dry, irritated eyes.
Due to its thicker formula, CELLUVISC is an ideal eye drop for persistent dry eye conditions. CELLUVISC Lubricant Eye Drops...
OPTI-FREE®PureMoist®Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution 300ml
OPTI-FREE® PureMoist® Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution provides comfort and moisture from insertion to removal. HydraGlyde® Moisture Matrix works independently of your tear film to keep moisture on your lenses. Helps to maintains a cushion of moisture that allows your eyelid to glide over the surface of the lens without irritation and keeps the lens hydrated throughout the day. Binds to dry areas of the lenses to reduce lipid deposition as well as reducing lipid deposition and removes protein deposits for clean and fresh lenses.
OPTI-FREE® PureMoist® Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution provides comfort and moisture from insertion to removal. HydraGlyde® Moisture Matrix works independently of your...
OPTI-FREE® RepleniSH®Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution 120ml
OPTI-FREE® RepleniSH® Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution reconditions the lens surface everyday by adsorbing a proprietary wetting system to the surface, allowing a thin layer of moisture from your natural tears to be maintained on the lens surface throughout the day. This allows for a continuous shield of moisture between the lens and the eye, providing comfort all day by keeping lenses moist. This shield of moisture on the surface of the lens helps maintain the appearance of white eyes (free from redness) in many patients. Increases comfort for wearers of the most common soft contact lens material who experience discomfort. Reconditions lenses to maintain surface moisture, allowing many patients to experience clearer vision at the end of the day.
OPTI-FREE® RepleniSH® Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution reconditions the lens surface everyday by adsorbing a proprietary wetting system to the surface, allowing...